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Clip Details:
Duration: 162 sec.Nudity: yesCreator: zorg
New Filesize: 0 mb (-100%)Sound: yesOld Filesize (MP4): 166 mb
File Format: AOMedia Video 1 (WebM/AV1)Resolution: 1920x1032pxAdded: 2015-Sep-10

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1. Barbara Hershey naked

Sometimes credited as: Barbara Seagull

Movie title:

"Last Temptation of Christ"

... aka "The Last Temptation of Christ", "La última tentación de Cristo", "Die letzte Versuchung Christi", "Последното изкушение на Христос", "A Última Tentação de Cristo", "La dernière tentation du Christ", "Den sidste fristelse", "Kristuksen viimeinen kiusaus", "O teleftaios peirasmos", "Krisztus utolsó megkísértése", "Ha-Peetoi Ha-Aharon Shel Yeshu", "L'ultima tentazione di Cristo", "Jesu siste fristelse", "Ostatnie kuszenie Chrystusa", "Ultima ispita a lui Iisus", "Poslednje Hristovo iskušenje", "Kristi sista frestelse", "Zadnja Kristusova skusnjava" and "Последнее искушение Христа"

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